The War

Well, I am sad the semester is ending, and that this will be my last Family 160 bog post. I have proposed the idea to myself of continuing with my educational journey blog posts. This blog has taught me more about myself, my family, and the world around me. I marvel the fact that I have been able to include readers from all over the world! My end goal was to educate, inspire, and share what I was learning globally. My heart is pleased to know that I have reached a few around the world, and I really hope to open a window of opportunity for all to learn form one another. In the world of science, and I’m including all forms, it is imperative for the community to provide feedback to strengthen one another. I hope that I have accomplished this key concept.
I would like to share with each one of you a topic that is dear a near to my heart, and that topic is divorce.  In the United states 70% of children are born into a one parent family home. 40 % of those children are born out of wedlock. What happens to the children when they grow, and they are now entering the age of dating, and marriage? Statistics have shown that children will often face conflict when it comes to courtship or marriage. If they have grown up with one parent system this is what they are accustom to. They may find that they don’t know how to successfully allow another into their lives. They may find that they have a conflict when it comes to managing resources. If they don’t learn how to build their relationship and manage together, then they may find that to be the case in their relationship.
For a child that is born into a traditional family and they experience divorce it is hard on the whole family unit. I can relate form experience. When my family system shifted or changed it was very hard to accept the “change”, and I found myself wishing it was back to the original system. Though, I have learned that though it will never be the same, and change is hard, sometimes the lord has a mysterious ways of healing change. Sometimes, he allows the heart to knit those pieces together in way that perhaps you would not have seen before. It’s a funny thing how some of the most challenging circumstances that we will endure in this lifetime will be the ones that bring the strengthen beyond capacity.
I have learned a great deal about families and their relationships throughout this course. I can honestly say that I have become an even greater advocate for families. I have learned the educational path that I have embarked on is not coincidental. I’m learning wonderful ways in how to strengthen my marriage and family. I have been able to implement innovative ideas and concepts with my spouse and family. The transitions have and will continue to be difficult. However, these tools that are being added to my tool box, though foreign, will be ones that will strengthen and prepare my family in what tumultuous time are to come.

 When I think of my ancestors who had to leave their country and come to the united states for a better world my heart aches in appreciation. When I think about the families that are trying to stay in tact through the uncharted waters, my heart breaks. I think the term, “pioneer” will be something that our children and future children will refer to when they speak of their families. In the sense that, "my family fought to stay together", and when I say fought, I mean against the principalities, kingdoms, and dominions that Satan craftily rules upon. For we don’t wrestle with our own flesh and blood, but with Satan and his mighty army that will relentlessly causes turmoil upon every human being possible on this earth. Because he knows how to break apart families,  it is one of  his greatest tactics. Families are one of his biggest threats! That is why my friends i’m an advocate for the family system, in my family system, and I will learn and obtain all the education possible. My end goal is to educate and be an aide to those that are willing to listen. 


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