
Hey all y’all!

How is your week going so far? Can you believe it is already Wednesday? Perhaps some of you are feeling like it is not going by fast enough? Regardless, remember it’s a bite at a time, day by day, bit by bit!

This week I have learned many new and exciting things! The first is, that I am believing more in myself, that I can do this thing called, school! Some of you may be snickering, or some of you may be saying, yeah, duh! Something that I’m focusing on in my educational journey is, that confidence comes with knowledge. I have come to understand, as I grow and stretch my mind, my retention of knowledge will increase. Believe me it’s being re-trained in many ways. I believe I will feel more confident in the various aspects of my life.

This semester I am studying: Science, Social Behavior/Social Science, Freedom and Civil society, Family Relations, Family and marriage, and Family studies, The Book of Mormon, and Parenting Skills. Whew, that was a lengthy list, are you still there? What I have come to realize with these different subjects, is that I’m finding they all correlate with one another. Some of you may be thinking? How does that work? Some may think that is apparent through the titles of the courses listed. Though that is a good observation, that is not how I have found they correlate with one another. Let me share my findings. I will give you a few examples. For instance, my Science Instructor asked, how do we find truth in Science?  Elder Scott answers this question clearly,

“There are two ways to find truth…The first is the scientific method. It can require analysis of data to confirm a theory or,
alternatively, establish a valid principle through
experimentation. The scientific method is a valuable way of seeking truth. However, it has two limitations. First, we never can be sure we have identified absolute truth, though we often draw nearer and nearer to it. Second, sometimes, no matter how earnestly we apply the method, we can get the wrong answer.”

 Elder Scott’s next answer was pivotal for me, “The best way to finding truth is simply to go to the origin of all truth and ask or respond to inspiration.”

In my family Relations class, we learned about the several ways that social scientist perform data. Which is very similar to the ways studies are performed in discovering science. In fact, Elder Scott touched briefly on how a few of these scientific studies are performed. These same studies were also introduced in my Family Relations class. I learned that not all studies are 100% accurate. There can be several variables to consider when looking at surveys or studies. These classes are allowing me to learn and connect with one another, and provide insightful in-class answers. What are some questions that you might have in dealing with truth? How have you found truth in your life, whether it be school, work, or just life?


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