Love, Dating, Marriage

Love, Dating, Marriage
     The phrase, “fist comes love” has resonated in my mind this week in reflecting on my studies in my Family Relations class. When I was in my early youth I thought I knew and understood what the definition of the word love was. I think it was easy to allow emotional pull to cloud the cognitive understanding of the word, love.
         When I met my husband, there was something different about him then most of the guys I dated. One thing I appreciated and admired was he set boundaries for the both of us on our first date, and many more to come. One of the boundaries he set was a curfew for our date nights. I don’t remember the exact time, though I do remember it was a very reasonable time. It allowed me to feel respected and it allowed me to feel valuable. When my husband set rules or boundaries, it accentuated his, “qualities, attitudes, and mannerism”, in which I found him even more attractive. We found that we related with one another and found it easy to talk to one another. We found the “attraction and desire for a person” was what made a strong connection for the two of us.
The night that my husband told me he loved me is a night I will always cherish, and is a night that has impacted my life for the better. I remember when he lovingly explained his definition of what love is, it has been somethings we both can attest to. Love: It’s when you want the best for someone, you care about their physical and spiritual well being.
         Let’s look at some of the Greek’s definitions of love. Which do you find yourself desiring? In fact, I encourage you to rate which ones are most important to least important! If your feeling gutsy, jot down your findings in the chat below, I’m really interested!
·      Storge (store-gay): love that is found in the affection between parents and children… least discriminating love.
·      Philia (fill-ee-ah): Greeks highest form of love sharing commitment, affection. Intense sharing between two people who have similar perspective on life. (love exists between friends)
·      Eros (air-os): Third love. “Erotic” between man and woman. Sexual love- long to be in each other’s presence. More than lust. More than desire for sex. It is desire for sex with a particular person. “rather share unhappiness with the beloved than be happy on any other term.” (romantic passion)
·      Agape (a-gah-pay): love independent of one’s feeling for another. Act on behalf of the wellbeing of someone else, whether you like the person or not. I find the word charity has a strong correlation with this word.
·      Storge Agape: love in which we will do to act beneficially toward another.
As our marriage has grown with hard work on equal parts… lets be real a marriage isn’t always dandelions and roses. We have found that each Greek definition of love has encompassed our lives. We found that all have been an important aspect of our lives. I think our Mutual Dependency has grown, “the fulfillment of our intimacy needs. All need someone to love, someone in who we can confide, someone with who he can shape experiences, someone who loves and appreciates us. As such intimacy needs are fulfilled, we are falling in love.”
 The proclamation to the world provides concrete details in how men should provide stewardship over their wives. They are to, provide, protect, and preside. So how does this correlate with dating or going on dates? When a date is planned for and presented it falls under the category of presiding. When a date is paired off, or one on one…for instance date night with just me and my spouse, the sense of being protected can be felt. Lastly, when a date if paid for, the feelings of being provided for can resonate within. However, I do think it is important to take turns between man and woman or husband and wife when leading the date nights. I believe this small, yet important step, is one in many in cultivating the love between husband and wife, or the budding relationship of dating.


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