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The Mind & Seeing People For Who They Truly Are

Welcome back! It has been a while since I have been back on here! I hope you found your holidays to be pleasant, and are enjoying the new year. This semester of school has been quite interesting thus far. Before I expound on my discoveries, I would like to share two books that I think are worthwhile and can change the way many of us may view and see others and the world. The first book, "The Mindset", by Carol S. Dweck. This book has taught me more about the way I view the world and the challenges that are constantly arising. How many of you find that when something difficult is at hand you find yourself trucking through mud and going as far as you can... then find yourself giving it all you can and saying, "I tried my best".  Recently, I took my first math exam for the semester. Math is one of the subjects that I have found to be challenging. As a child I despised math and struggled, I even had a teacher that asked me, " If I was stupid?",  when I had ans

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